The Tempest world, as it is known - beyond the reach of the outer-barren lands.
the tempest sea sits and waves in the way, here - the fall. the bionic crash into the Deeps.
it cannot be seen by all, even when nearby, but beware its sheer strength, its absolute power, beyond that of the gods.
the Gods even are here, ever watching, studying, trying to learn and master the ways of the Ocan, for it is beyond their power.
you see, their faces watch gleefullyin the skies, studying the waves... in this Overside of the valley,
cool airs & moist humidity from the tropicos forests condenses into Rain, a Sea is formed.
- the inlets from the Riverworld shoot through here, intermingled with a changing landscape of Inner-Seas < going West to E'e\oria. or noth inland to the Mountains.
here - the Citadel the same very city as Gloomcity; its water's edge stretches out to form the Tempest Citadel, perched upon the place of ths idusty valley, that liked to spew rain.
this world ~ has antimatter of its own. it gusghes upwards,
levitates: themagic here is obsficuated, but still strong, but an odd quality, hard to detect.
~ ~ the world intermingled into a series of sea-fortresses andsubmerged Tunnels, Deeper parts of the Great Folorn Palace are complexly tied int a woven network of tunnels, Cloisters, Tratraxia,
Inter-Pods, Submerged hallways and deeper in the Sea, influed ces of MEr -has vastly warped the landscape...
The secrets of the Sirens was a long-forgotten mystery, Until their locales weret ruly discovered...
Assuradely,deep,hidden under the very waves Lurked the Merpeople.
the adorned, Coral-Folk, strangers toMan or Elf.
and erstwhiledown here,lowbeneath the crashing waves ,
The Siren'sOcean spiringsinto dark,yonder,;
not faroffthe island-folkattempt their tribalrituals,
unawareof the deludingsignificanceofthe magickspossessedbytheillusionary,charming, beguilingMer-Sirens.~~-
fordown here,
things gountamed, forcenturies, millenea...
the lost old,sank here,long timesago.
and nowthe underwaterforest...weeps...
for Under the folorn alost,befatedfuture awaits...
The howling coasts of the Turquoise~Wet Tempest Realm are Inaccessiable in all but shore-walking, Unless Swimming skills are above (+15 Swimming.) one will not be fully safe. Those Sailing through on ships or boats will encounter Sea-Snakes and Leviathans whilst travelling past this Shoreline.
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzz,,,A Wizard Mage lighting spell crackled and fizzles >>> If travelling (sailing)past the Folorn Inlet On a Sailingvesel Roll 3 D20's
0-10: sailing vessel capsized, seized by ~the Mermaid world:~ Spend 5 Turns inside the merpeople's Lair. (You must then contined toexplore a do custom for the Merpeoples' story.)
11-20: the Sea-snakes and Leviathan sea-creatures~ ~attackand haulthe vesselin a swarm. the Vessel is (temporarily)StuckandMArooned as a crash in the locale of Islands & Islets;
21-30: The MerQueen and her followers (Sirens~tribe) Watch you as you pass with vaguely nefarious- otherwordly Intent. ( -2 Resolve) (-2 Consitution) (
31-40: Water seeps in,one'sself does not agree with the waters, 3turnsmust be spent rolling D6 to revored from Drowning (If 3 Rollsor Twoorlower (1) are madethen One drowns and must enter into the Underwater World'sCitadel-Temple & forego new horizons asan inhabitant of theunderwater realm.
The stormy bay of the Terri1'd reveals an unexposed Teretto Bay. A sheltered Cove shoreline. sharp, jagged rocks protrude upon the coast. Waves, crash across the Puter.- Two Stray, moored vessels lay upon the bay. A spittle~wind brushly spurns sharp, wet droplets, and air across the Water-environ....
there are signs of life; A landmass chain of Isles; a remote archipelago.
Distant to the goings on of the world...
These rivers were once used as a crossing leyline, past the Reef & off into the Riverworld; past the HexBarriers and then into the Wastelands of the east & south.
and into the lower - Spire Valleys. Access back between mainlands: , here - a chain of Islands form:
~the ƧǖƢǘɴɅ Aɍʗɦȉϼεլӓӛϑόϟ ( Isles )~~~~
~~ the Tempest~Citadel ~~
the well of the spirelands bowl , many river delta's meet the waters falling from RedMountain, the higher lakes of E'erozia plateau
fall into a misty soup of waterlands and powerful torrents, 'the sink' the whirlpool delta, got its name from Aeons past -- when the
tempest lords wandered and made their own worlds with water & spells, to further their ambition of the watery-realm they createdthe Tempest~Citadel, in the face of their Gods, thus this Citadel encircles the SpireLands and Sinks far beneath the ocean,
the city taken now into the hands of the SpireKeeprs and their autonomous government:
Owls of sight and air guard the domain, this is where the Merpeople come from,
once revered by the TempestLords as humble creators,
~ ~ now the Merpeople live in hiding, and
dispossessed of their former glamour;
the Tempest Lands cannot be avoided in Eog,
Gleam-Turqouise magic made this citadel possible,
learn the ways of
& the flow,
and perhaps....