-You are at:
( the Outer- Castle Walls ).
IT is I who speak to you! the Summoned magical wisp~dragon wishes to Speak with you.
He imparts telepathic information, directly into your mind. You begin to listen.... To begin with, the Game begins here!
As a new traveler into these lands, we assume you are on foot, and probably Low level. Lvl.0 or 1
Begin Turns for movement by Rolling a 6 - Sided Dice. Each Square,or Region represents a GameSquare. Max gamesquares moved to begin with is 1-6.
And wherever you currently are in the game-world represents a specific something, Each gamesquare and Place has its own qualities, opportunities or attributes. Much of your progress You will need to keep track of with Your character sheets and RPg-organisation. To follow up on the Required Full Rules & GameGuide please visit the Scroolbook: Codex & Glossary. the Codex can also be found in the Library-Tower.
The city underneath the Fo-Lorn, and both the skies of Outerspace.
This Futuropolis extends; like an Arkon: Built over the edge of the World. the Vertice,~ Yawns Over down into the Gully beneath.
This Lonely Land. Enveloped in a Fog of it's own doing.
We are inbetween, the Urban depths are grown here, and extend ever more into the civilized pinnacle. - But Alas! This is where the Outcasts Went.
This is the Land of the Banished, the outtrodden -
Anywhere - But the City -
- This is where the Outcast's Went.
Banished! From the Realm!
Now we Wander outside
of the CastleWalls.
A Yearning to remain
i nside, A deep desire
To Run Away.
And now. We must wander